Product Safety
Consumer product safety enforcement has expanded substantially since the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act became law in 2008, and there is significant collaboration between the Consumer Product Safety Commission and U.S. Customs & Border Protection, with CPSC investigators on site at U.S. ports and using risk assessment methodology to identify potentially dangerous shipments of consumer goods.
Jacobs Global Trade assists manufacturers, importers and retailers with establishing and implementing effective product safety compliance programs to ensure that goods comply with the applicable safety standards, including any required testing, labeling and certifications, and if a potential product hazard is identified, that systems are in place to promptly identify and address any reporting obligations.
Jacobs Global Trade helps companies evaluate the applicability of such reporting requirements and prepare a Section 15 report, if necessary. We also guide clients through the recall process, including working cooperatively with CPSC staff to obtain approval of clients’ plans and proposed compliance improvement programs, with a goal of implementing a successful recall that also prevents reputational harm and avoids penalties.